Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Memory Palace: Lost Pigeons

Nate DiMeo's The Memory Palace is full of interesting and engaging historical stories.  They're always short, usually under 10 minutes.

This was an early episode telling the story of carrier pigeon flocks in North America.

The Memory Palace:  Lost Pigeons

Friday, May 27, 2011

Freakonomics Radio: The Dangers of Safety

Freakonomics Radio is one of my current favorite podcasts.  If you haven't read the books Freakonomics or SuperFreakonomics, then click the links to get them.

In this episode, they examine the issue of marketing safety products and features.  They pose the question:  Do these safety features and products actually make us more safe, or do they provide an incentive to engage in more reckless and unsafe behavior?

Please try to tolerate the appearance of a polarizing media personality.  Levi 66 does not endorse this polarizing media personality in any way...

The Dangers of Safety (MP3)